Forefront Identity Manager

To Farm, or not to Farm, that is the question --

In some environments, like government, having that… REALHIPHOPINYOURLIFE - May 5, 2014In some environments, like government, having that local SQL means a whole different security profile…a lot of security groups aren’t going to make a distinction between that local SQL and Full Blown SQL when they scan the system since they use some of the same binaries. Good comment. So in those environments that could be an extra reason to farm to avoid local SQL and the extra security

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To Farm, or not to Farm, that is the question --

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take Farms against a sea of patches and by opposing end them? To, die, to sleep – Today I will be “moderating” the debate about using SharePoint Farms vs. Stand-Alone as the foundation for the FIM Portal. In this corner we have Paul Williams of Microsoft sharing knowledge from his hard fought victories with FIM and painful experiences with Farms.

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MIM's the word -- New name for FIM

Last week the Product group announced the new name for FIM and MIM’s the word Microsoft Identity Manager. Of course as a good futurist I had made enough guesses that I got this one right, even though as an honest man I must admit I also had it wrong – Azure is not part of the name. Fortunately, they didn’t go with APE nor AILMENT, nor MIME, nor MIAMI, nor MICE, nor MAIM, nor WIMP.

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DirSync w/ domain if NetBios and FQDN don't match

If one of your AD domains has a NetBios domain name that doesn’t match the leftmost part of your FQDN you need to have the Replicating Directory Changes permission given to your AD MA account. This is documented in a few places including my book. However, DirSync misses this step. Normally, Dirsync does a very good job of installing and configuring everything which you need without needing you to be an expert in FIM, but this is one thing it misses.

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Declarative or Bust!

I see two challenges: 1. There is not feature pari… Craig Martin - Oct 3, 2013I see two challenges: 1. There is not feature parity between the two types of sync rules 2. The imperative support (VBA) in the new sync rules is limited and difficult to debug My wish is that we had better extensibility in the new sync rules (scrap VBA, or figure out how to improve the extensibility and debugging).

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Declarative or Bust!

Michael Pearn from down under wrote about his experience trying to use just Declarative Sync Rules His experience – especially the religious debates are similar to my own. It made me recall my presentation at TEC 2012 the FIM 2010 R2 Showdown: Classic vs. Declarative The vast majority of old hands at the presentation declared for Classic both before and after the presentation. During the presentation I attempted to view anything you could do without code as declarative whether it came from a sync rule or not, especially if it was a new feature.

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The MVP 7 year itch

Congratz, David… Søren Granfeldt - Jul 1, 2013Congratz, David…

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The MVP 7 year itch

This morning I received an email letting me know that for the 7th time (every year since 2007) I have been honored by Microsoft with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award. All 7 times I have received the award for my “outstanding contributions in Forefront Identity Manager technical communities” and its predecessors. In 2007 despite the product rename Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 the MVP award was for Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) 2003.

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How to get from the Sync-Rule-ID to the Sync Rule Resource ID

Thanks, David. You had the knowledge, answered my … Unknown - May 3, 2013Thanks, David. You had the knowledge, answered my forum question and blogged about it as well. Nice work. PeteA

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How to get from the Sync-Rule-ID to the Sync Rule Resource ID

If you are looking at the XML export of the FIM synchronization config and you are trying to track down which sync rule is supplying a particular flow you just need to know which numbers lead you where. For example: The key to finding the Sync rule is of course the Sync rule ID. However, this is not the resource ID that I can search for in the FIM Portal. Rather this is the metaverse ID.

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