SQL Clustering

SQL Always On Availability Groups for MIM

Image from: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/virtual-machines/windows/availability-group-overview Edited July 2 2022 after reviewing my Facebook discussion with Eugene Sergeev on Microsoft’s product team. MIM 2016 SP2 (and 4.4.1459.0 or later supports SQL Server Always On Availability Groups (AG))! Yeah! Ok let’s implement it! But wait! It won’t give us all we hope for! Up to the moment distributed backup of the data – yes! Automatic instant failover – not without a huge caveat! What do you mean it won’t give us Automatic Instant Failover?

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Installing a Multi-Instance SQL 2005 Cluster

Hi, I’m installing SQL Server 2005 in 2 node … Unknown - Jun 3, 2010Hi, I’m installing SQL Server 2005 in 2 node cluster setup and I’m getting the below error: TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup -—————————– SQL Server Setup has determined that the following account properties are not specified: ‘SQLBROWSERACCOUNT’ . The properties specify the startup account for the services that are installed. To proceed, refer to the template.

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Installing a Multi-Instance SQL 2005 Cluster

Some of you may run into a problem when installing a multi-instance SQL Server Cluster, in particular when you install the second or third instance in your cluster. Like this one: Microsoft SQI Server 2005 Setup SQL server Setup has determined that the Following account properties are not specified: ‘SQLBROWSERACCOUNT’. The properties specify the startup account for the services that are installed. To proceed, refer to the template.ini and set the properties to valid account names.

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