Another talented Ensynchian joins the blogosphere

My colleague Joe Zamora, a talented developer, who has been instrumental in helping us advance our knowledge of custom workflows, has just launched his own blog: CShark. His first post is on how to “Generate AccountName in ILM2 custom workflow activity” and it came in response to a question in the ILM 2 connect forum entitled: Custom Workflow Activity to Generate samAccountName. Go Joe Go!

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What’s new in Identity Lifecycle Manager 2, Ask the experts

Brad Turner and I are putting on a webinar on ILM 2.

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ILM 2 Functions Explained

Excellent post David, thanks for putting this toge… Brad Turner - Jan 3, 2009Excellent post David, thanks for putting this together! To remove bit #2 shouldn’t you use BitAnd(-3,userAccountControl) ? Paolo is correct in pointing out that the numbers I calculated for masks are wrong. I did 32-bit numbers and tested it back on the 32-bit version of the ILM 2 Beta 3 VM. The calcs should be done using 64-bit as explained here: Using FIM to enable or disable accounts in Active Directory (http://social.

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ILM 2 Functions Explained

Function Name Parameters David’s Description Example Example Explanation BitAnd mask Type: Integer flag Type: Integer BitAnd is a bitwise operation anding mask and flag. So if Flag is the UserAccountControl Attribute in AD and mask is negative 2147483645 (the two’s complement of 2) Then the result is that the disable bit (bit 2) is turned off leaving all of the other bits unchanged. BitAnd can be combined with Eq to detect if a bit is set

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ILM 2 Functions all in one place

I couldn’t find in the ILM 2 RC 0 documentation anyplace that listed all of the functions available to you in sync rules and action workflows so here they are: Don’t forget about the boolean functions available for use in the IIF function Now you can at a glance see the list of functions, their list of parameters and their official explanations

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ILM "2" confirmHumanity="false"

With Joe’s permissions I am posting the comment he… David Lundell - Dec 3, 2008With Joe’s permissions I am posting the comment he attempted to post earlier: Apologies for spoiling the fun, but the confirm humanity config setting has no effect in ILM “2”. This config setting is leftover from the early days of the product when we included Captcha support for AuthN. Setting this to true meant that users would go through a Captcha gate during AuthN, much like I had to do when submitting a comment.

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ILM "2" confirmHumanity="false"

I was getting ready to try out some of the various installation topologies that may be possible with ILM “2” including: separating the Portal and the Service (definitely possible), having two portals point back to the same service (I think it’s possible), when I came across the most interesting item in the ILM “2” installation guide in the section on Installing the ILM Service and ILM Portal on separate servers. Let’s see if you can spot it too:

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Business Problems VS Technical Problems

I like how you linked business problems to technic… William Wagner - Sep 4, 2011I like how you linked business problems to technical problems. I think they affect each other in a lot of ways. You always need to balance them so you can succeed. form an llc

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Business Problems VS Technical Problems

A business problem is when employees can’t execute their job duties in an efficient fashion. In fact sometimes they are unable to complete the tasks at all. Business problems are especially costly when they directly affect customers. These problems can cause cash flowing into the company to be delayed as a customer waits to place an order, or to receive goods (and hence to pay), they can cause revenue to be lost as a customer temporarily takes their business to a competitor or a finds a substitute, sometimes this leads to customers forming new business relationships and loss of all future revenue from that customer.

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ILM 2 Web Services Part 1 and 1/2

A few days after my post about setting up the ILM 2 Web Service reference Joe Schulman and others from the ILM product group began a new blog designed to fill in the gaps in the knowledge in the community about how to use the web services. So far the blog looks great and is a welcome addition to my knowledge and the communities knowledge base! Great job Joe and Company and thanks for the link to my blog.

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