Microsoft Identity Manager

'Twas the night before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the internet Not an identity was stirring, not even a Passport .NET The user accounts requests were submitted with care Hoping that their access would soon be there The users were nestled all snug in their beds While visions of being able to do their jobs danced in their heads The servers and computers were in sleep mode Awaiting someone to move a mouse and send the wake up code

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MIM's the word -- New name for FIM

Last week the Product group announced the new name for FIM and MIM’s the word Microsoft Identity Manager. Of course as a good futurist I had made enough guesses that I got this one right, even though as an honest man I must admit I also had it wrong – Azure is not part of the name. Fortunately, they didn’t go with APE nor AILMENT, nor MIME, nor MIAMI, nor MICE, nor MAIM, nor WIMP.

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